Hey, person who has come to this signup form... If you fill out the form below, every now and then (once or twice a month) you'll receive emails FROM THE DESK OF ED BRUBAKER. These emails will contain all sorts of stuff. Exclusive previews of upcoming projects, artwork, sometimes a reprint of an old article from CRIMINAL that's never been produced digitally, interviews, announcements of convention and store appearances, etc etc etc. Basically, if you are a reader of my comics, this is for you.
You can unsubscribe at any point, but really, why would you want to?
Also, you may want to add this email: in your spam settings, to make sure you actually get the mailing list. That is an email used exclusively for this mailing list.
The newsletter is called NOTES FROM THE BASEMENT because Basement Gang Inc. is the name of my corporation, which is also the name on my PO Box.
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